Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania

Chuo cha Uongozi wa Mahakama Lushoto (IJA)

Elimu Haki Wajibu


Located at the top of Usambara Mountains in the historic town of Lushoto which was originally established by the Germans in 1880s and formerly known as Wilhelmstal (William’s Valley) and was named after Emperor Wilhelm II is the Institute of Judicial Administration Lushoto popularly known by its acronym as IJA which is a public institution established in 1999 by an Act of Parliament, the Institute of Judicial Adminstration-Lushoto Act Cap 405 of the Revised Edition 2002. Lushoto is famous for its pleasant mountain climate and is an ideal place not only for work but also for leisure.

IJA is one of the acknowledged world leaders in the design and delivery of judicial education, known for offering dynamic and relevant programmes to Judges, Magistrates, State Attorneys, Public Prosecutors, Police Officers, Prison Officers, Forensic Experts, Parliamentary Officials, Local Government Solicitors, Members of the Legal Fraternity, Academia, Media as well as non-judicial staff from the judiciary of Tanzania.

With its dedicated and professional staff, IJA delivers a wide range of programmes that responds to the evolving needs of the judiciary and the justice sector in addressing emerging issues of public importance.

IJA works closely with the Judiciary of Tanzania (JoT), Ministry of Constitutional Affairs and Justice, judiciary training institutions the world over and other training institutions local, regional and international to ensure that high-quality judicial and continuing legal education is available to every judicial officer, justice sector stakeholders and non- judicial staff of the JoT.

IJA is the judicial think tank that provides the intellectual anchor by offering judicial education and training to both those aspiring to acquire Certificates and Diploma in Law as well as induction to newly appointed Judicial Officers namely Judges and Magistrates. IJA is also mandated to offer induction to all newly appointed lawyers who are employed in the public sector. In addition to that IJA provides continuing legal education to experienced judicial officers, non- judicial officers within the judiciary and other justice sector stakeholders. Continuing Legal Education is inevitable simply because of the continuing technological, cultural, environmental and economic change which have rendered the landscape of judging and legal practice ever more complex.


Why Studying at IJA

Certificate and Diploma courses are principally taught by using lectures, tutorials and seminar methods. A lecture in which the lecturer addresses the class is fairly formal with a limited amount of class discussion. If you have difficulty in understanding a lecture or wish to raise any questions, you should make arrangements to see the lecturer concerned or raise the points in the seminar.

Members of staff are happy to help students who, because of a different educational background, have difficult in dealing with a particular subject. It is important to make concise notes from your lectures, which will provide a basis for additional study on your own.

In seminars, members of the class are invited to join in discussion of a topic on which they will probably have been asked to prepare some work. All students are argued to contribute to the discussion and you should not be afraid of stating your own views.

After registration you will be provided with class time table.


Each student is allocated one of the members of Academic Staff, who will be responsible for directing, advising or counseling on all matters relating to the academic progress of the student. As a matter of principle, every student is expected to meet his/her personal academic advisor at least once per Semester.


The Department of Judicial and Legal Studies will give you full information on how you will be assessed while courses are in progress (i.e. Course work: written assignment, mid- semester tests, and seminars). It is particularly important that you register and attend all formal assignments and tests. Finally, it is strongly recommended that you read all the information contained in the Regulations that are attached to the Prospectus.